Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Jeri Wolfe ATTEMPT

Hello, my name's Jeri Wolfe.

This is my original image. We will take this black and white image and colorize it over the following week. We'll change the sky to a natural blue shade, as well as the grass with a green. We will also color the plane a red color. (Like in WW1, the planes were a red with black flags on it.) You'll grab your select tool, select the sky, or any other area you're going to color, and make sure you do not select anything you don't want to color. After you select it, you will click Solid Color. After selecting your color, you set the layer to Overlay. You will repeat this with everything else.

DAY TWO (2/11/16)

After we've selected it and colorized it separately, we will organize it into a folder (three-four folders in total) and title them "Sky," "Grass," and "Plane." (If you have more folders, title them the item you colorized.) In the end, it should be colored to a natural, or as natural as you can get, state.
As you go along, the coloring should gradually become colored.

This is my completed image:

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