Technology has made a big impact on our generation. But how would it affect the future generations? We can listen to the radio easily, look up a variety of things on the internet, and even get digital pictures rather than getting your photos developed. What about the old generation, too? Did they ever think about how far technology would go? How did new machinery affect their life, as well as our grandkids?
If your grandkids were to look back today, they’d probably be shocked at how non-advanced we were. They’d already have the ability to take pictures with their eyes and whatnot, and we would still have a camera. The generation would be so engrossed into their phones, computers, robots. “Playing outside,” “taking a walk,” and “going to the park” would be completely washed away. People from the past would have never expected us to have the technology we have today, nor the future.
Back then, people didn’t have the same currency and machinery we have. They had horse-drawn cars, didn’t have any radios or computers, and the money was worth a lot more than it is today. With a dollar now, you can probably afford a candy bar; back when, a dollar could buy you a good t-shirt. Even with money, some people still couldn’t afford clothing. Shoes were out of the question, as well.
Imagine what it would be like to be in the future with our grandchildren. Would they have to dwell on how the prices were back in 2016, like we would to the 1800’s? Would they go on about how technology was slow and useless when we had it? Over time, technology will advance onward and onward, changing the views of older versions. They wouldn’t understand that everyday items, like when the lightbulb was created, or when the horse-driven carts were made, were considered “new and advanced technology.” Us, as people, still don’t understand that today.
Plus, slaves didn’t even have the simple things like articles of clothing, shoes, the cotton gin, and money in general. The males had to wear dresses to make it easier to clean and pants were too expensive to get. They thoughts what they had was worth the world. While we sit around and complain how our Netflix account wasn’t paid yet, the meatloaf was too cold, or even when the electricity goes out, they couldn’t even afford food at the most.
Attitudes had changed with technology, as well. If you look at today’s people, you could see them as selfish, cruel, even ugly. We can only say that because we’re that generation to say such things. But when it came to the eighteenth to nineteenth century, everyone was more respectful and grateful for what they had. The boys had more manners and the girls would be more lady-like and nice.
Anyone could say they are thankful for technology, but would they really mean it? We take a lot of things for granted, and we don’t even realize it. If you would have to live back in the old days, how far would you go? How grateful would your family be to have a well built house? Would your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren be as appreciative as the old generation was? Technology began in the olden times, before anywhere from your parents and to your grandparents were even born. We only improved it.
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