Thursday, February 25, 2016
Friday, February 19, 2016
Today Vs. Old Technology
Technology has changed how I had listen to Laura Smalley & Fountain Hughes. It is amazing how we are able to listen to their voice, to listen how they talk or how they explain things. I found awesome how technology has advanced ever since they invented the light bulb. It will change tractilly in the future. Technology changes every single day; people discovered things that will make our work easier. Today’s technology is a really good improvement. Today we can see their faces & hear their voice on a little machine that we call, Smart Phones.
Jazmin Castro
Jazmin castro Paragraph
How will our technology affect the next generation?
I feel like our next generation is going to be a big effect in the world.
How far we have done with technology. I think our next generation is going to come with more big things. In the way we have progress with technology. Technology has been far as putting man on the moon. Technology has some disadvantages it can after many things. An example would be with all this technology around us we can also stop interacting ṕwith people around us and the outside world. We won't be as social as as we used to be. In this generation we barely interact with nature or socialize with people as much. All this social media is blocking everyone from the real world. Imagine how the next generations are going to be everything is coming into this big problem where everything is going to start to disappear people are just wont notice it cuz all this technology blocking them. All this next generations when they see all this slavery stuff that happened way before them. They would probably be in shock of how many generation back all this slavery and war happened and how everything is now everyone don't know all this stuff and we should be thankful that it stopped because we could be slaves but all this people suffered for us to be free.
The Future Electronics - Pharrah Cole
The Future And What It Holds-Lizbeth Terrazas
How has hearing them impacted you instead of just reading it?’
How will technology help my grandchildren see me?
We live in a generation where we get the chance to experience many things. New inventions are brought into the public eye every day. I imagine that it won’t be any different for my children and grandchildren. But, instead of only being able to see pictures like I have to, they will be able to hear my voice, watch me in videos I have taken and will take in the years that come. They could take comfort knowing I went through the same struggles they will go through, experienced the same embarrassing experiences they might go through. They will be able to laugh with me, cry with me, get infuriated with me. Instead of just having to wonder what it felt like to live when I was younger, they can actually see and hear it. By the time that i’m 30, they might invent a number of devices to capture beautiful memories we can view for years to come. Holograms might become commonplace and my grandchildren will be able to talk to their grandmother and grandfather when they were the same age as them!
I think that the future holds promise for technology that will allow my grandchildren to see me.
world war 1 plane
Hello my name is bradley and this week im going to add color to the plane
Hello my name is bradley and this week im going to add color to the plane
Here is how i colored my picture and i added a lot of detail
Here is my finished picture
Kelcey Torres How Will technology change the future generation
How will technology change the future generation?
i Think that technology will change for the better in the future ,but i believe that our generation will be spoiled . like every time I go to school or to the mall i see third graders with phones and ipads. While I a fourteen year old has no phone ,but not having a phone showed me some good life knowledge . Like I wont be sad when i break my imaginary phone. But for real the new generation is probably going to be spoiled little brats . even my younger brother knows how to use a i phone . So my expectation for the next generation are not very high.
i Think that technology will change for the better in the future ,but i believe that our generation will be spoiled . like every time I go to school or to the mall i see third graders with phones and ipads. While I a fourteen year old has no phone ,but not having a phone showed me some good life knowledge . Like I wont be sad when i break my imaginary phone. But for real the new generation is probably going to be spoiled little brats . even my younger brother knows how to use a i phone . So my expectation for the next generation are not very high.
Technology Past & Future-gc
Technology past and future
Technology has made a great impact throughout the ages. From back then to now, the technology has drastically changed. Just think about it. Just over the past hundred years the computer, electronic television, the smartphone, and even the 3D printer have all been invented. Just imagine what could be invented by 2050. The technology is not the only thing that has changed with time. People's attitudes have also changed as well. People are becoming more advanced. We are getting used to all the technology everyday. About 64% of people today have a smartphone of some kind. As Americans we are spoiled. Just think about how our descendants will be.
Jeri Wolfe - Technology: the Past and Future
Technology has made a big impact on our generation. But how would it affect the future generations? We can listen to the radio easily, look up a variety of things on the internet, and even get digital pictures rather than getting your photos developed. What about the old generation, too? Did they ever think about how far technology would go? How did new machinery affect their life, as well as our grandkids?
If your grandkids were to look back today, they’d probably be shocked at how non-advanced we were. They’d already have the ability to take pictures with their eyes and whatnot, and we would still have a camera. The generation would be so engrossed into their phones, computers, robots. “Playing outside,” “taking a walk,” and “going to the park” would be completely washed away. People from the past would have never expected us to have the technology we have today, nor the future.
Back then, people didn’t have the same currency and machinery we have. They had horse-drawn cars, didn’t have any radios or computers, and the money was worth a lot more than it is today. With a dollar now, you can probably afford a candy bar; back when, a dollar could buy you a good t-shirt. Even with money, some people still couldn’t afford clothing. Shoes were out of the question, as well.
Imagine what it would be like to be in the future with our grandchildren. Would they have to dwell on how the prices were back in 2016, like we would to the 1800’s? Would they go on about how technology was slow and useless when we had it? Over time, technology will advance onward and onward, changing the views of older versions. They wouldn’t understand that everyday items, like when the lightbulb was created, or when the horse-driven carts were made, were considered “new and advanced technology.” Us, as people, still don’t understand that today.
Plus, slaves didn’t even have the simple things like articles of clothing, shoes, the cotton gin, and money in general. The males had to wear dresses to make it easier to clean and pants were too expensive to get. They thoughts what they had was worth the world. While we sit around and complain how our Netflix account wasn’t paid yet, the meatloaf was too cold, or even when the electricity goes out, they couldn’t even afford food at the most.
Attitudes had changed with technology, as well. If you look at today’s people, you could see them as selfish, cruel, even ugly. We can only say that because we’re that generation to say such things. But when it came to the eighteenth to nineteenth century, everyone was more respectful and grateful for what they had. The boys had more manners and the girls would be more lady-like and nice.
Anyone could say they are thankful for technology, but would they really mean it? We take a lot of things for granted, and we don’t even realize it. If you would have to live back in the old days, how far would you go? How grateful would your family be to have a well built house? Would your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren be as appreciative as the old generation was? Technology began in the olden times, before anywhere from your parents and to your grandparents were even born. We only improved it.
Their choice post
Their Choice
In the future the next generation will be so spoiled. My first phone was a flip phone with an antenna that u could pull out, and the only reason i had it in 2nd grade was because I was a latch key kid. I can already see 7 yr. old with a iphone 5s just because they want it. As technology increase and becomes better more people will want it , and it will becomes more accessible for younger kids in the process. Instead of the normal kid in our generation want a toy or candy for the story they want the newest phone or hottest technology. I believe that there isn’t anything that we can do to slow it down or stop them. It will all come in due time ,but there a positives to this. To them being more accessible to this technology they can start figuring out the answers to problems not solved today. They will be a smarter or use it for gifs and memes. But they will do what they want with this given choice they have. It will either be to solve scientific problems of the world or to twerk like miley. God lets hope not. That will be the end of the human universe. Us jus twerking way till the world just blows up. Why can people just open up a book and read. Sing “ I don’t twerk I read” and not these other booty gyrating music. Okay…..I’m done. Thank you for your time. :)
Future Tech
The Future Technology
The Technology that we have now will affect the people of the future because they will have a better education and they will make better tech or build inventions that will further affect other generations. They will also get use to technology and they will all use it everyday. The tech we have now will improve and the people from the furture will think it’s low tech and it will continue for years and years until Tech can no longer improve and advance.
How would our technology evolve and affect our grandchildren?
Looking back on previous inventions, our current technology we use have advanced majorly. From telephones to touch-screen phones, we can only assume what the future could hold for our grandkids. Though, there is also something else included in the creation of the technology. In order to develop our technology, there’s a factory we need in order to build our electronics. If more factories are being built, the more pollution it is producing. It’ll eventually get to the point where nobody could breathe the air, thus meaning that every living thing will die from this. I won’t get too off topic here, but I just wanted to mention something else that can affect our future grandchildren.
It’s only a matter of time before we have hover cars and hologrammed phone screens (which is currently in development and is being tested), but imagine how our technology-based world will affect our grandchildren. Smartphones today take up basically ninety percent of our lives, so how can we be sure that it won’t take up our grandchildren’s lives, as well? Guessing on what would be invented in the future, holographic objects would most likely be released into the world. These objects would most likely take up the lives of the people. By then, they’d probably have mind-controlled chairs and they’ll all grow obese, not to mention the horrible air they would inhale.
Schools would revolve around technology, too, which can be a good and bad thing. If our future schools used computers and hand-held devices for all of our grandchildren’s learning, they would all have a greater chance of their eyes being damaged by the digital screens. This is also happening in present-time, too. Just imagine how much the updated technology could damage them. On the bright side, no more carrying heavy books around school!
Personally, I don’t think that our future would have a good impact on our grandchildren. I understand that there are plenty of good things about having our world technology-based, but there are also plenty of bad things, too.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
How technology will affect the next generation?
How has technology changed your perspective on this generation? How do you think it will affect the next generation?
Technology has improved greatly in the past century. My perspective on technology nowadays is iffy. I mean don't get me wrong its a amazing thing but there a cons that i've noticed not about the computer or phone but what it does to our generation. For example, it amazes me how i see 3rd graders with iphones and beats. The technology we have nowadays has spoiled this generation and I think it would only get worse. It has dramastically changed since the 1980s to now. When you step away from a small point of view and look at a bigger scale think about pollution, overpopulated areas, and peoples´ rights. Now there are pros, we have discovered so many new amazing things about our world. This technology has gave us the advantage to find and cure diseases, make transportation easier and faster, and advance our knowledge. But the question was how i think the next generation will react to our technology? We think now that the technology that was made in the 90s were old or ¨lame¨, but it will be most likely the same in 10 years. But all in all, the technical knowledge that the next generation will experience will be a good sign. Don't look at the kids´ point of view but the world´s. Just think how many things will be solved by 2050.
How Technology Will Effect Our Next Generation
Fountain Hughes & Laura Smalley - Karen
Fountain Hughes & Laura Smalley
The thing that impacted me about Fountain Hughes was that he could not wear a dress because nowadays boys and girls wear jeans, shoes and diapers. Back then Hughes did not have anything to wear and they did not have jeans. Laura Smalley had to work on the plantation and at ten o'clock in the morning they would have to feed the children and go back and work outside. With today's technology we have a lot of fast ways to transport thing and people. We also can film with a pretty good quality so that when our children or grandchildren want to see us, if we die. By hearing these people taking instead of just reading the paper it makes me understand what they felt and how their personality was. How they sounded and it gave the passage more meaning to the story of her life that she was telling. This would be great for our kids and grandkids because when we die we will have pictures,videos and many other thing that technology has done for us and that we can do a good benefit. Our technology has improved a lot over the past few years in our life, I wonder what is it going to be like in the future when the technology of our children will improve and how they will use it.
Beyond The Words-Erisha Jones
Beyond The Words.
Recently in class, we listened to a recording of Fountain Hughes (Left) and Laura Smalley (Right), two former slaves who have both lived to tell parts of their story. Back then we had a voice recorder which opens us up to the voices themselves. Pulling us away from just words and allowing us to hear the broken voices of our ancestors. Before we had that type of technology we would have not been able to relate or even understand the pain and the happiness and the culture that leaks through the throats of our ancestors. Nowadays we have millions and millions of technology that allow us to see the face of the people behind the voice, so our children’s children may live in the color of the past and create memories of their own to tell their daughters or their sons, and they won’t be held in captivity like the people way before my time. Our voices tell a story and hearing the ruggedness of their voices unfolds a new layer of history lathering through our skin. I’m glad to know about the past and to be able to hear the opinions of former slaves who worked day and night just to be free. Their hearts will forever be dipped in the blood of this country, and their words will always hold a deeper meaning.-Erisha Jones (2-18-16)
My Finished Product
This is my finished product! After a few days of adding details and fixing some problems, I finally completed it! First, I used the quick selection tool, I selected the leaves, go to the small circle underneath your background, and go to solid color. Then I went to Normal and changed it to either Soft Light or Overlay. Wash, rinse, and repeat, If I accidentaly colored something I didn't want to color, I just got out my Paintbrush tool, turned it to black, and colored on top of what I wanted to get rid of.
Friday, February 12, 2016
hi, my name is Jamesia. This week i will be making a black and white photo into a colorized picture. tomorrow i will tell you the steps i put the colors on the picture.
today i colorized my air plane. first i colored the grass. then i colored the sky after that i colored the plane. i had to go back and color the wheels black to make it look more natural.
today I saved the gif which is below and i published it on my blogger.
Summer Fayyaz
Wassup guys, I´m Summer and we are learning photoshop in tech class. My class and I are going to be working on this photo for a week, trying to add color. I´ll be showing my progress to you throughout the week. I am partners with Anika on this photo but we are doing different blogs.
Monday: Added color to the sky
Tuesday: worked on the grass and the plain behind
Wednesday: made the plane red
Thursday: I worked on details and making sure that everything was the way I wanted it
Friday: kept on working on details
When you know how to do the first step it´s really easy to do the rest. I noticed that I had a few corrections I needed to make, I fixed it now, but I did not want to redo my gif. As you can see it did not take more than a week I could have finished before Friday but I felt like I needed to take my time with it. I worked on this no more than 45 minutes everyday. Remember that I did not know how to work on this before monday, so if you´re a beginner it´s ok, I started where you are starting.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
keenen davis attempt
As the picture is colored as black and white through out this week you will be able to see soldiers and donkeys will be colored as the the picture was took up to date. I will using the application Adobe Photoshop to add while also the was captured in ww1 the picture will be in a different filter as the picture was in the year 1930 etc...
Trajan Neely Attempt
Hello my name is Trajan Neely
I'm trying to make this picture of the soldiers from World War 2 a color picture.
Here is an update on my photo
Hello my name is Trajan Neely
I'm trying to make this picture of the soldiers from World War 2 a color picture.
Here is an update on my photo
Jeslyn Roberts Attempt
Hello I'm Jeslyn,
Scott Hagedorn Attempt
The students at Sabine Pass Middle School are working with PhotoShop currently. The project they are currently working on is a project where they add color to a black and white photo. This has been a useful project, and it has allowed them to view old images in a new light.
Here is a sample project on what the students are working on currently. We started with this image:
Once we had our image, we added color to it layer by layer.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
The quest of colored flight attempt
2/10/16 this the original picture.
I'm trying to turn this picture of world war 1 british planes into color. Even though this will takes time i will try to make this picture as good as possible in color.Even if I really can't use or find the tools great.I will keep on trying.
I'm trying to turn this picture of world war 1 british planes into color. Even though this will takes time i will try to make this picture as good as possible in color.Even if I really can't use or find the tools great.I will keep on trying.
Anika Decuir
This is the photo before :)
This photo is obviously black and white, over this whole week we will go through the process of coloration of this World War 1 black and white plane photo.
This gif will show you in what order I colored the photo
Monday: Colored the sky a nice blue color.
Tuesday: Colored the front hill of grass darker green.
Wednesday: Colored the back hills and trees a lighter green.
Thursday: Colored the plane's propeller a silver color.
Friday: Colored the whole plane a dark red plus adding small details such as the wheels and crosses coloring them according to the WW1.
Now we're finished! :)
this is my original black and white photo and i will be adding color to this picture.
kelcey torres
Hello i am kelcey .As you can see this is the picture I started off ,and it is in black and white. As we get further with this ¨how to¨ you will get a colored picture.
monday : I colored the grass first .As you can see i colored the grass not one but two different colors to give it more depth. To make it look as natural I put it on overlay .
Tuesday : For tuesday I colored the sky a light blue ,but to make it look natural i put overlay and changed the opacity .
Wednesday : I painted the trees and that one log next to the plane like all the other colors i used overlay .
NOTE: Overlay is your friend for this picture.If it does not work then use screen.
Thursday: i painted the plane and that one tire.
Friday : i just made some changes to colors and other things.
After a week of photoshop my picture is done . So here is my finished photo. (^_^)
monday : I colored the grass first .As you can see i colored the grass not one but two different colors to give it more depth. To make it look as natural I put it on overlay .
Tuesday : For tuesday I colored the sky a light blue ,but to make it look natural i put overlay and changed the opacity .
Wednesday : I painted the trees and that one log next to the plane like all the other colors i used overlay .
NOTE: Overlay is your friend for this picture.If it does not work then use screen.
Thursday: i painted the plane and that one tire.
Friday : i just made some changes to colors and other things.
After a week of photoshop my picture is done . So here is my finished photo. (^_^)
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Jazmin castro attempt
Hello my name is Jazmin Castro and this picture as u can see its a black and white picture because this picture was take in the mid 1860.What we are trying to do is to colorize this picture so we can have a brief view in how the people look like in the mid 1860. How we are doing this is by using adobe photoshop. Threw out this week i will show u how to do this.
Feb. 11.16
Here is an update of my photo
02/18/16 This is the steps i did for my photoshop picture.
This is my final product for my changing color picture file.
Pharrah Cole Attempt
2/10/16 - Today my objective is I will try to change this black and white to color.
I will use Adobe Photoshop to change this photo to color.This picture was taken in the 1860's and pictures back then took pictures in black and white. I am
changing this photo to show our generation what this picture would look like if it was in color.
2/11/16 -
Here's my updated photo. I used the gif file on Adobe Photoshop to show how I changed to color from black and white to color.
2/19/16 - Here's my finished product. I had to change the color of her lips because it was to bold for the picture. Now, the photo is more realistic.
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